Profile Manager
The Profile Manager helps you customize your own profile list.
Enter Profile Manager
Click on the “Format” bar, and when the profile list pops up, click “Custom” button to enter Profile Manager.
The layout of Profile Manager
The Profile Manager can be divided into two parts. The left part is operation area and the right part is display field.
Under Custom tab you can find all the output format groups. Unfold each group to check individual output format. There is a checkbox before each format and group. To hide the format/group, just uncheck the corresponding box. To view details of an output format, simply select it, and the Profile Manager will display its remarks at the left-bottom.
When switch to search tab, you can search for desired output format. Input keyword(s) into the search box and click Enter to view search results. If there is no matched result, you may switch to “Format not listed” and ask for new format.
Format not listed
This tab is a deck for users to submit their requirements when there is no format that can satisfy their needs. Just add your demands to the textbox, leave your email address, and click “Submit” button.
Customize your own profile list
a. Hide rarely-used formats
All the formats are displayed by default. You can hide formats that are rarely used in Profile Manager or simply close them in file list to hide them. To open Profile Manager, you can hit the format bar and click the “Customize” button at the foot of profile list.
Uncheck the formats you want to hide or simply click the cross sign in file list to hide them. You can click the “View Mode” to switch to one-stage display mode or back to sub-list display mode.
b. Restore hidden formats
To restore the hidden formats, simply click Customize button, open Profile Manager and check the hidden formats.
c. Add new customized format in file list
The program allows users to create customized formats based on current formats for future use. Just choose an output format, click “Settings” and adjust the audio and video parameter as you like, and click “Save as”
button to save it. Rename the format before you click “OK” to save it to format list.
When you'd like to use the new created format as output format, please click the format bar and find it in “Custom” group.