Click “Options” iconto enter configure options. There are two tabs under Option menu, i.e. General and Decoder.
Under the “General” tab you can set preference for software update and file exist action.
When an output file has already existed in the output folder (usually because you have converted it once or more), there are three customized options.
Auto Rename: Select to rename the present output file automatically to avoid overwriting existing file. The generated name is formed with the existing name and number.
Overwrite: Select to overwrite the existing file.
Skip: Select to skip the conversion of the file with identical name in the output folder.
For updating the software, you can set “Auto update”, “Manual Update” and “Update every * days”. You are suggested to set “Auto update”, so that the software will update itself whenever there is a new version released. The update is free of charge.
Under the “Decoder” tab you can set CUDA decoder or System built-in decoder for converting files. When you choose CUDA decoder the app decodes files with GPU (Nvidia Graphics card only) instead of CPU.